Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Long shift....

Well it was a long shift last night and,just before I was due to get off today I find out we are 4 people short, and guess who got mandated to stay and work this morning.... You got it me... I got home  I had a hard time getting to sleep. So I only got a few hours, I feel like a zombie....nights just throw my whole system out of wack lately.. 
Marty ended up taking Trevor to the vet for me and he didn't get his needles, they extended his antiboicis for another week. 

My question for today is:  If you work in a large place with many job titles and you are short would you help out? Even if it wasn't in your job description: Example If you cleaned a room and noticed the bed not made and knowing how short your work place was would you make it or not? 

Sunday, 25 August 2013

My best friend, soul mate and partner for life.....

 I thought I knew what love was 13 years ago when I met my best friend, soul mate, and partner for life..I didn't.. it was only after going thru some pretty rough life storms that I truly understand what love meant. I can honestly say I fall more "in love" with you every day. I love you, Danny now and always.

 A good relationship is one which allows for change in the individuals and in the way they express their love....

Life together has been great and full of remarkable landmarks.. Hope to continue this journey of discovery together...

Thanks Johnnie and Sue

I would like to take this time to say thanks to my brother Johnny and his partner Sue. Every year since our dad passed away they have been putting on this  memorial and family get together. This year was the 5th year, there's always a lot of music from different people, fireworks, food, good times and lots of memories. Dad would be proud of us all for the way we all get together and for one day and put aside everything and get along as a family... This year was hard for we lost my brother in-law Cliff in March, he was always the life of the party, and always did a speech for my dad each year.. I know you were in our thoughts Cliff.

Thanks again Johnny and Sue.

PS I am thinking of making a DVD of the last five get togethers, anyone interested in a copy let me know. Also if you have any pictures you want to send along , be greatly appreciated Thanks

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Family Fun Remembering Good Times and a Great Man..

Very Proud to Post this Link...

Well I am proud to post this link.. Christipher I never knew you received so many awards I am so proud to be your aunt, you have grown to be an remarkable young man. I never knew what you did for a living, but I  know now and I  am very impressed..Well done love Aunt Chippy...xo

Take a moment to read about Christopher and you to will be just as impressed as I was...

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Picked up Antibiotic for Trevor....

Stopped on way to work tonight to get an antibiotic for Trevor, I feel so bad for the little guy he has hard time getting settled. On a positive note he's a good puppy he has a good apatite and listens well. He is doing well with the house training for being 9 weeks old. We love him big time and he's so cute, he will get better in a few weeks I am sure...

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

6 km under my belt....

Well today I ran 6 km no problem, I didn't feel like I was going to die at the end of it lol... I am getting closer to my new goal of 10 km, I started out with a goal of 5 km but I have surpassed that so it is now 10 km here I come. Need some new tunes for the iPhone the ones I have are getting old.... Anyone out there run or work-out that have some good up beat tunes for suggestion pass then along.... The question is what's on your iPhone or iPod...Thanks.
It's off to work I go for the next two nights 7 pm- 7am.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Happy 14th Wedding Anniversary...

Well 14 years ago on August 21st  1999  my sister Donna married her best friend and soul mate and I was honored to be apart of that special day.. Happy Anniversary guys I love you both very much.....

Update on Trevor..

Well I didn't sleep much last night.... Trevor isnt  much better... He has Kennel Cough, can you believe that. I went and got him some allergy stuff today.. And believe it or not the best home reminde you can give is chicken soup, yes I said chicken soup just like humans when we get sick we all want chicken soup.. Another one is vitamin C, and Honey. Also by keep the air moist helps, 
Well I was out in the yard with the dogs today and I got to thinking its just like I have my boys all over again.. Marty was a quite baby, slept well right off the start, Bailey is a great dog,trained well and other then the back issue he's done well. Vince was born with asthma and breathing problems, well Trevor has kennel cough. I can remember keeping the room moist for Vince and giving him his puffers.. Sound similar... Hope you get better Trevor... 


Monday, 19 August 2013

What luck I have...

I took the dogs for a walk today and on our way back this is what we encountered...Now not sure if it bit Trevor or not but right after he started to cough like he had something in his throat, he did this for about a half hour and I ended up taking him to the vet... He got medicine and if it isnt any better tomorrow he will go back and have x-rays to make sure nothing else is wrong...

Tervors First to See Aunt Debbie and Nannie

 Trevor wants Bailey to play with him so Bad he pulls on Baileys leash its too funny...

 Giving Nannie Kisses

Sunday, 18 August 2013


Wednesday evening Danny and I were going out and on our way down the mountain here's what we saw...

Red Sky out this evening.....

The first three photos were taken Saturday August 17th,2013

 These were taken tonight I just love the sunsets we get in our back yard they are always breath taking...some night I plan to go get some over the harbour...
 There is a rainbow in this picture I saw it on the way home from work but by the time I got home and took a picture it was very faint...
 Then it wasn't long and the sky started to turn and what a beautiful sunset...Here is a few we took as the sky was changing....

Be Seen

Safety gear for running in the dark. As the fall and winter is fast approaching it is getting darker earlier, so thought I'd cover some ...