Friday, 22 May 2015


Well crap I worked Thursday night and missed throw back Thursday's sorry guys... Night shifts suck sometimes, they mess your system all up.. Sometimes I am all messed up on what day I am on and if I am coming or going.. But here's a picture anyways.. Hope everyone has a great weekend.. I sure the hell hope it warms up.. It's hard to believe May is almost behind us and I am still turning on the heat.. It felt like fall last night not spring that's for sure. Let's hope next weekend is a lot warmer with apple blossom coming... 

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Throw Back Thrusdays

Every Thursday from now on I have decided to do throw back Thursdays and post a old picture.. Enjoy..

  This is my brother Johnny, sisters Donna and Debbie 1967
Trevor is making a very quick recovery. He is eating well and picking on Bailey like old times, by taking all the toys.  He enjoys soaking up the sun like he used to. I am so happy I went ahead with the surgery he will make a full recovery.  
Bailey too is glad to have Trevor home I think.. 

Be Seen

Safety gear for running in the dark. As the fall and winter is fast approaching it is getting darker earlier, so thought I'd cover some ...